end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Cal Jennings , Tampa Bay Rowdies
Fresh half in front of us bird.habedieeh.re/loucityfc/status
45 more in front of us
45' | Five minutes of stoppage
43' | Our third yellow of the half goes to Wes Charpie.
39' | Rowdies take the lead. 1-0 | #TBRvLOU
21' | Paolo DelPiccolo's in the book with a yellow.
20' | Oliver Semmle what a save!!!!!
Ready to roll in Tampa
16' | Knocking on the door! Ray Serrano gets a nice look on goal and sends it just right!
5' | An early yellow for Carlos Moguel Jr.
Louisville City VS Tampa Bay Rowdies
end of second half
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
2-1 | Goal - Cal Jennings , Tampa Bay Rowdies
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
Fresh half in front of us bird.habedieeh.re/loucityfc/status
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
45 more in front of us
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
45' | Five minutes of stoppage
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
43' | Our third yellow of the half goes to Wes Charpie.
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
39' | Rowdies take the lead.
1-0 | #TBRvLOU
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
21' | Paolo DelPiccolo's in the book with a yellow.
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
20' | Oliver Semmle what a save!!!!!
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
Ready to roll in Tampa
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
16' | Knocking on the door! Ray Serrano gets a nice look on goal and sends it just right!
Tampa Bay Rowdies VS Louisville City
5' | An early yellow for Carlos Moguel Jr.