end of second half
72' | Substitution Martn Rodrguez Boris Enow #PHIvDC 4-0
69' | Goal Union. #PHIvDC 4-0
65' | Substitution Ted Ku-DiPietro Pedro Santos #PHIvDC 3-0
4-0 | Goal - Daniel Gazdag , Philadelphia Union
51' | Goal Union. #PHIvDC 3-0
46' | Substitution Cristian Djome, Dom Badji Garrison Tubbs, Gabriel Pirani #PHIvDC 2-0
3-0 | Goal - Tai Baribo , Philadelphia Union
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Behind at the break. https://t.co/GUp2hHQUSQ
25' | Aaron Herrera picks up a yellow card. #PHIvDC 2-0
16' | Goal Union. #PHIvDC 2-0
13' | Goal Union. #PHIvDC 1-0
2-0 | Goal - Daniel Gazdag , Philadelphia Union
VAMOS UNITED https://t.co/hbry2M5q8o
DC United VS Philadelphia Union
end of second half
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
72' | Substitution
Martn Rodrguez
Boris Enow
#PHIvDC 4-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
69' | Goal Union.
#PHIvDC 4-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
65' | Substitution
Ted Ku-DiPietro
Pedro Santos
#PHIvDC 3-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
4-0 | Goal - Daniel Gazdag , Philadelphia Union
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
51' | Goal Union.
#PHIvDC 3-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
46' | Substitution
Cristian Djome, Dom Badji
Garrison Tubbs, Gabriel Pirani
#PHIvDC 2-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
3-0 | Goal - Tai Baribo , Philadelphia Union
DC United VS Philadelphia Union
Start of 2nd half
DC United VS Philadelphia Union
end of first half
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
Behind at the break. https://t.co/GUp2hHQUSQ
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
25' | Aaron Herrera picks up a yellow card.
#PHIvDC 2-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
16' | Goal Union.
#PHIvDC 2-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
13' | Goal Union.
#PHIvDC 1-0
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
2-0 | Goal - Daniel Gazdag , Philadelphia Union
Philadelphia Union VS DC United
VAMOS UNITED https://t.co/hbry2M5q8o