end of second half
74' | Gastn takes one from afar, but it's not strong enough and finds its way into the goalkeepers arms. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
73' | Brady with a basket catch as Charlotte tries to put one on goal. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
72' | Rafa in front of the goal with a huge opportunity but Charlotte goalkeeper stretches to make the stop. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
68' | Kacper with an opportunity in front of the goal, but puts too much power behind the ball & it goes over the net. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
69' & 70' | Subs coming your way. IN: Alonso OUT: M. Navarro IN: Tern OUT: Wyatt
67' | Maren with a shot on goal, but Charlotte goalkeeper makes a stop. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
61' | to Gastn. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
58' | Charlotte secures the penalty. The away team takes the lead by two. #CHIvCTL | 0-2
55' | Charlotte tries to put one on goal but fails as the ball goes over the net. #CHIvCTL | 0-1
56' | VAR review on a possible foul in the box. Charlotte receives a penalty. #CHIvCTL | 0-1
Charlotte FC VS Chicago Fire
end of second half
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
74' | Gastn takes one from afar, but it's not strong enough and finds its way into the goalkeepers arms.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
73' | Brady with a basket catch as Charlotte tries to put one on goal.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
72' | Rafa in front of the goal with a huge opportunity but Charlotte goalkeeper stretches to make the stop.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
68' | Kacper with an opportunity in front of the goal, but puts too much power behind the ball & it goes over the net.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
69' & 70' | Subs coming your way.
IN: Alonso
OUT: M. Navarro
IN: Tern
OUT: Wyatt
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
67' | Maren with a shot on goal, but Charlotte goalkeeper makes a stop.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
61' | to Gastn.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
58' | Charlotte secures the penalty.
The away team takes the lead by two.
#CHIvCTL | 0-2
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
55' | Charlotte tries to put one on goal but fails as the ball goes over the net.
#CHIvCTL | 0-1
Chicago Fire VS Charlotte FC
56' | VAR review on a possible foul in the box.
Charlotte receives a penalty.
#CHIvCTL | 0-1