end of second half
1-1 | Goal - Lassi Lappalainen , CF Montreal
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Artur's goal is the difference at the half! #HoldItDown
31' Clark stretches across the box to make the save 0-1 | #HoldItDown
The passes The finish #HoldItDown
10' GOLAZO DE ARTURRRRRR 0-1 | #HoldItDown
2' CLARK!! Close-range save to prevent Montreal from scoring 0-0 | #HoldItDown
1' KICKOFF IN MONTREAL!!! 0-0 | #HoldItDown
You won't want to miss this one. 6:30 pm CT MLS Season Pass on Apple TV #HoldItDown
Playoffs are on the line tonight Here's what you need to know! #HoldItDown
Houston Dynamo VS CF Montreal
end of second half
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
1-1 | Goal - Lassi Lappalainen , CF Montreal
Houston Dynamo VS CF Montreal
Start of 2nd half
Houston Dynamo VS CF Montreal
end of first half
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
Artur's goal is the difference at the half!
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
31' Clark stretches across the box to make the save
0-1 | #HoldItDown
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
The passes
The finish
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
0-1 | #HoldItDown
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
2' CLARK!! Close-range save to prevent Montreal from scoring
0-0 | #HoldItDown
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
0-0 | #HoldItDown
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
You won't want to miss this one.
6:30 pm CT
MLS Season Pass on Apple TV
CF Montreal VS Houston Dynamo
Playoffs are on the line tonight Here's what you need to know!