end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Romulo Cruz , Goztepe
1-2 | Goal - Koray Guenter , Goztepe
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
0-1 | G - Edin Dzeko , Fenerbahce
0-2 | Goal - Youssef En-Nesyri , Fenerbahce
Match kickoff
Trendyol Super League Gztepe Tomorrow 21.45 Grsel Aksel Stadium #GZvFB https://t.co/alCKa54IIF
zmir #GZvFB https://t.co/l6CsLeCiqG
Fenerbahce VS Goztepe
end of second half
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
2-2 | Goal - Romulo Cruz , Goztepe
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
1-2 | Goal - Koray Guenter , Goztepe
Fenerbahce VS Goztepe
Start of 2nd half
Fenerbahce VS Goztepe
end of first half
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
0-1 | G - Edin Dzeko , Fenerbahce
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
0-2 | Goal - Youssef En-Nesyri , Fenerbahce
Fenerbahce VS Goztepe
Match kickoff
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
Trendyol Super League
Grsel Aksel Stadium
#GZvFB https://t.co/alCKa54IIF
Goztepe VS Fenerbahce
#GZvFB https://t.co/l6CsLeCiqG