end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Jorge Pascual , Villarreal
Super Ivo!!
77' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti Correa booked.
75' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti Yellow card for Baena.
71' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti Red card for Witsel.
69' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti Barrios booked.
IVO keeps it out
Reguiln so close!
45 minutes to close the season
1-2 | Goal - Angel Correa , Atletico Madrid
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
A+ student
Atletico Madrid VS Villarreal
end of second half
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
2-2 | Goal - Jorge Pascual , Villarreal
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
Super Ivo!!
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
77' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti
Correa booked.
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
75' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti
Yellow card for Baena.
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
71' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti
Red card for Witsel.
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
69' | Villarreal 1-2 Atleti
Barrios booked.
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
IVO keeps it out
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
Reguiln so close!
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
45 minutes to close the season
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
1-2 | Goal - Angel Correa , Atletico Madrid
Atletico Madrid VS Villarreal
Start of 2nd half
Atletico Madrid VS Villarreal
end of first half
Villarreal VS Atletico Madrid
A+ student