end of second half
78' | 4-1 | Double substitution: @DaniCeballos46 @BellinghamJude @atchouameni @ToniKroos #RealMadridVillarreal
68' | 4-1 | GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAL by @Lukamodric10!!! #RealMadridVillarreal | #FC24
Luka Modri. That's it.
64' | 3-1 | GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAL by @Brahim!!!!! #RealMadridVillarreal | #FC24
54' | 2-1 | Goal by Morales. #RealMadridVillarreal
4-1 | Goal - Luka Modric , Real Madrid
3-1 | Goal - Brahim Diaz , Real Madrid
45' | 2-0 | Half-time substitution: @Frangarcia_11 @ferland_mendy #RealMadridVillarreal
2 Another 45 minutes to go. @realmadriden 2-0 @VillarrealCFen bit.ly/RealM_Villarreal #RealMadridVillarreal
2-1 | Goal - Jose Luis Morales , Villarreal
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
A minutes silence was held at the Bernabu in memory of Jos Luna. #RealMadrid
@realmadriden 2-0 @VillarrealCFen 25' @BellinghamJude 39' @RodrygoGoes #RealMadridVillarreal
Villarreal VS Real Madrid
end of second half
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
78' | 4-1 | Double substitution:
@DaniCeballos46 @BellinghamJude
@atchouameni @ToniKroos
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
#RealMadridVillarreal | #FC24
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
Luka Modri. That's it.
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
#RealMadridVillarreal | #FC24
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
54' | 2-1 | Goal by Morales.
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
4-1 | Goal - Luka Modric , Real Madrid
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
3-1 | Goal - Brahim Diaz , Real Madrid
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
45' | 2-0 | Half-time substitution:
@Frangarcia_11 @ferland_mendy
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
2 Another 45 minutes to go.
@realmadriden 2-0 @VillarrealCFen
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
2-1 | Goal - Jose Luis Morales , Villarreal
Villarreal VS Real Madrid
Start of 2nd half
Villarreal VS Real Madrid
end of first half
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
A minutes silence was held at the Bernabu in memory of Jos Luna.
Real Madrid VS Villarreal
@realmadriden 2-0 @VillarrealCFen
25' @BellinghamJude
39' @RodrygoGoes