end of second half
60' Substitution in #RealBetis @luizhenri07 comes on for @assandiao8 #RealBetisMallorca 1-0 #BetisDay
2-0 | Goal - Ayoze Perez , Real Betis
46' Second half begins! #RealBetisMallorca 1-0 #BetisDay
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
45' Half time! #RealBetisMallorca1-0 #BetisDay
30' #RealBetisMallorca 1-0 #BetisDay
15' #RealBetisMallorca 1-0 #BetisDay
7' GOOOOAAAAAAL!!! @WillianJose!!! #RealBetisMallorca 1-0 #BetisDay
We are underway! #RealBetisMallorca #BetisDay
1-0 | Goal - Willian Jose , Real Betis
Match kickoff
#BetisDay #RealBetisMallorca
Our starting eleven for #RealBetisMallorca! #BetisDay
Captain! #BetisDay #RealBetisMallorca
Mallorca VS Real Betis
end of second half
Real Betis VS Mallorca
60' Substitution in #RealBetis @luizhenri07 comes on for @assandiao8
#RealBetisMallorca 1-0
Real Betis VS Mallorca
2-0 | Goal - Ayoze Perez , Real Betis
Real Betis VS Mallorca
46' Second half begins!
#RealBetisMallorca 1-0
Mallorca VS Real Betis
Start of 2nd half
Mallorca VS Real Betis
end of first half
Real Betis VS Mallorca
45' Half time!
Real Betis VS Mallorca
30' #RealBetisMallorca 1-0
Real Betis VS Mallorca
15' #RealBetisMallorca 1-0
Real Betis VS Mallorca
7' GOOOOAAAAAAL!!! @WillianJose!!!
#RealBetisMallorca 1-0
Real Betis VS Mallorca
We are underway!
Real Betis VS Mallorca
1-0 | Goal - Willian Jose , Real Betis
Mallorca VS Real Betis
Match kickoff
Real Betis VS Mallorca
#BetisDay #RealBetisMallorca
Real Betis VS Mallorca
Our starting eleven for #RealBetisMallorca!
Real Betis VS Mallorca
#BetisDay #RealBetisMallorca