end of second half
75 #RealBetisCdiz 1-1 #BetisDay
60' Subs in #RealBetis @rodrisanchez_10, @marcroca21 and @JMirandaG19 come off and come on @luizhenri07, @AGuardado18 y @6Abner #RealBetisCdiz 1-1 #BetisDay
59' GOAL! @Guido_Rodriguez equalizes the game with an amazing acrobatic kick! #RealBetisCdiz 1-1 #BetisDay
46' The second half begins! Substitutions Ez Abde come on and @WillianJose comes off #RealBetisCdiz 0-1 #BetisDay
1-1 | Goal - Guido Rodriguez , Real Betis
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
45' (+6') Half time #RealBetisCdiz 0-1 #BetisDay
40 Goal @Cadiz_CFEN. Chris Ramos. #RealBetisCdiz 0-1 #BetisDay
30 #RealBetisCdiz 0-0 #BetisDay
15 #RealBetisCdiz 0-0 #BetisDay
We are underway! #RealBetisCdiz #BetisDay
Cadiz VS Real Betis
end of second half
Real Betis VS Cadiz
75 #RealBetisCdiz 1-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
60' Subs in #RealBetis @rodrisanchez_10, @marcroca21 and @JMirandaG19 come off and come on @luizhenri07, @AGuardado18 y @6Abner
#RealBetisCdiz 1-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
59' GOAL! @Guido_Rodriguez equalizes the game with an amazing acrobatic kick!
#RealBetisCdiz 1-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
59' GOAL! @Guido_Rodriguez equalizes the game with an amazing acrobatic kick!
#RealBetisCdiz 1-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
46' The second half begins!
Substitutions Ez Abde come on and @WillianJose comes off
#RealBetisCdiz 0-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
1-1 | Goal - Guido Rodriguez , Real Betis
Cadiz VS Real Betis
Start of 2nd half
Cadiz VS Real Betis
end of first half
Real Betis VS Cadiz
45' (+6') Half time
#RealBetisCdiz 0-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
40 Goal @Cadiz_CFEN. Chris Ramos.
#RealBetisCdiz 0-1
Real Betis VS Cadiz
30 #RealBetisCdiz 0-0
Real Betis VS Cadiz
15 #RealBetisCdiz 0-0
Real Betis VS Cadiz
We are underway!