end of second half
0-2 | Goal - Rodrigo Riquelme , Atletico Madrid
55' | Osasuna 0-1 Atleti Catena booked.
A job to finish
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Leading at the end of the half
Keep pushing, lads!
Grizi's on fire! #ApaAtleti #OsasunaAtleti #LaLigaHighlights
0-1 | Goal - Antoine Griezmann , Atletico Madrid
Game on in Pamplona
Final preparations.
Todays XI
Match kickoff
All set
Uruguayo, uruguayo!
Atletico Madrid VS Osasuna
end of second half
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
0-2 | Goal - Rodrigo Riquelme , Atletico Madrid
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
55' | Osasuna 0-1 Atleti
Catena booked.
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
A job to finish
Atletico Madrid VS Osasuna
Start of 2nd half
Atletico Madrid VS Osasuna
end of first half
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Leading at the end of the half
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Keep pushing, lads!
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Grizi's on fire!
#ApaAtleti #OsasunaAtleti #LaLigaHighlights
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
0-1 | Goal - Antoine Griezmann , Atletico Madrid
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Game on in Pamplona
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Final preparations.
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Todays XI
Atletico Madrid VS Osasuna
Match kickoff
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
All set
Osasuna VS Atletico Madrid
Uruguayo, uruguayo!