end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Antonio Raillo , Mallorca
2-0 | Goal - Jofre Carreras , Espanyol
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
1-0 | Goal - Marash Kumbulla , Espanyol
Match kickoff
, REAL MALLORCA https://t.co/DlR3yRGhP3
Mallorca VS Espanyol
end of second half
Espanyol VS Mallorca
2-1 | Goal - Antonio Raillo , Mallorca
Espanyol VS Mallorca
2-0 | Goal - Jofre Carreras , Espanyol
Mallorca VS Espanyol
Start of 2nd half
Mallorca VS Espanyol
end of first half
Espanyol VS Mallorca
1-0 | Goal - Marash Kumbulla , Espanyol
Mallorca VS Espanyol
Match kickoff
Espanyol VS Mallorca