end of second half
3-2 | Goal - Sergi Roberto , Barcelona
2-2 | Goal - Edgar Gonzalez , Almeria
2-1 | Goal - Sergi Roberto , Barcelona
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
! Lewandowski's shot is saved by Lus Maximiano! #BaraAlmera
To Raphinha!
And the ball is rolling here in Barcelona! #BaraAlmera Join our Live Chat on Discord!
1-1 | Goal - Leo Baptistao , Almeria
1-0 | Goal - Raphinha , Barcelona
Match kickoff
Robert Lewandowski warms up for #BaraAlmera Get the pre-match kit here
It's cold, so let's get warm #BaraAlmera
The first out to warm up! #BaraAlmera
Culers, how do you say 'Merry Christmas' in your language? #BaraAlmera
I'm dreaming of a Blaugrana Christmas #BaraAlmera Get it here
Presentation of the report on the first year of the of FC Barcelona and @FundacioFCB Child Protection System. All the details: barca.link/uYH450QkGNr
Blaugrana for the holidays! #BaraAlmera
Almeria VS Barcelona
end of second half
Barcelona VS Almeria
3-2 | Goal - Sergi Roberto , Barcelona
Barcelona VS Almeria
2-2 | Goal - Edgar Gonzalez , Almeria
Barcelona VS Almeria
2-1 | Goal - Sergi Roberto , Barcelona
Almeria VS Barcelona
Start of 2nd half
Almeria VS Barcelona
end of first half
Barcelona VS Almeria
! Lewandowski's shot is saved by Lus Maximiano!
Barcelona VS Almeria
To Raphinha!
Barcelona VS Almeria
And the ball is rolling here in Barcelona!
Join our Live Chat on Discord!
Barcelona VS Almeria
1-1 | Goal - Leo Baptistao , Almeria
Barcelona VS Almeria
1-0 | Goal - Raphinha , Barcelona
Almeria VS Barcelona
Match kickoff
Barcelona VS Almeria
Robert Lewandowski warms up for #BaraAlmera
Get the pre-match kit here
Barcelona VS Almeria
It's cold, so let's get warm #BaraAlmera
Barcelona VS Almeria
The first out to warm up!
Barcelona VS Almeria
Culers, how do you say 'Merry Christmas' in your language?
Barcelona VS Almeria
I'm dreaming of a Blaugrana Christmas #BaraAlmera
Get it here
Barcelona VS Almeria
Presentation of the report on the first year of the of FC Barcelona and @FundacioFCB Child Protection System.
All the details: barca.link/uYH450QkGNr
Barcelona VS Almeria
Blaugrana for the holidays!