end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Rufo Sanchez , Pontevedra CF
2-0 | Goal - Yelko Pino Caride , Pontevedra CF
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
1-0 | Goal - , Pontevedra CF
Match kickoff
The first #ElCrnerLALIGA of 2025 is here, hosted by @RodrigoFaez! @antonio8snchzz and @Copete_99 reveal some secrets from the @RCD_Mallorca locker room! @EASPORTSFC #LALIGAEASPORTS https://t.co/2VAhFx94f7
Mallorca VS Pontevedra CF
end of second half
Pontevedra CF VS Mallorca
3-0 | Goal - Rufo Sanchez , Pontevedra CF
Pontevedra CF VS Mallorca
2-0 | Goal - Yelko Pino Caride , Pontevedra CF
Mallorca VS Pontevedra CF
Start of 2nd half
Mallorca VS Pontevedra CF
end of first half
Pontevedra CF VS Mallorca
1-0 | Goal - , Pontevedra CF
Mallorca VS Pontevedra CF
Match kickoff
Pontevedra CF VS Mallorca
The first #ElCrnerLALIGA of 2025 is here, hosted by @RodrigoFaez!
@antonio8snchzz and @Copete_99 reveal some secrets from the @RCD_Mallorca locker room!
#LALIGAEASPORTS https://t.co/2VAhFx94f7