Chiefs take a quick corner. Sirino volleys wide.
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Four minutes of additional time are to be played. Both sides are seeing plenty of attacking openings. Ighodaro is prominent for AmaZulu, and Sirino for Chiefs.
end of second half
Human gets a shot in which deflects off Cross. Human latches onto the rebound and fires off target.
Another chance for Chiefs. Chivaviro misses a heading opportunity, off Sirino's pass.
AmaZulu double change. Brooks takes over from Ekstein, and Ighodaro replaces Kambindu.
AmaZulu FC make a substitution. Hendrick Ekstein runs off the field and in comes Ethan Brooks
AmaZulu FC make a substitution. Elmo Kambindu runs off the field and in comes Etiosa Ighodaro
Chivaviro and Vilakazi go on for Morris and Lilepo in a double attacking change by Chiefs.
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Chiefs take a quick corner. Sirino volleys wide.
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Four minutes of additional time are to be played. Both sides are seeing plenty of attacking openings. Ighodaro is prominent for AmaZulu, and Sirino for Chiefs.
AmaZulu VS Kaizer Chiefs
end of second half
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Human gets a shot in which deflects off Cross. Human latches onto the rebound and fires off target.
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Another chance for Chiefs. Chivaviro misses a heading opportunity, off Sirino's pass.
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
AmaZulu double change. Brooks takes over from Ekstein, and Ighodaro replaces Kambindu.
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
AmaZulu FC make a substitution. Hendrick Ekstein runs off the field and in comes Ethan Brooks
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
AmaZulu FC make a substitution. Elmo Kambindu runs off the field and in comes Etiosa Ighodaro
Kaizer Chiefs VS AmaZulu
Chivaviro and Vilakazi go on for Morris and Lilepo in a double attacking change by Chiefs.