end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Leighton Owen Clarkson , Aberdeen
77' | AFC 1-1 HMFC McGrath is booked for a foul on Denholm near the touchline.
75' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Another change for Aberdeen Bojan Miovski Dante Polvara
73' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Two changes for Aberdeen. Ester Sokler & Jack Milne Duk & Shayden Morris
72' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Two more Hearts changes, and welcome back... Halkett, Denholm Sibbick, Nieuwenhof
72' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Rowles is booked after fouling Shinnie on the break.
67' | AFC 1-1 HMFC McGrath sends a curling effort at goal but it's wide
63' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Beni Baningime is booked following a foul on Jamie McGrath. There's a VAR check for a possible red on Beni, but the original decision stands. Miovski and Kent are then booked for an off-the-ball incident following the foul.
60' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Sokler is threaded through on goal, but his effort ripples Clark's side netting.
59' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Stefan Gartenmann is booked for a foul on Jorge Grant.
57' | AFC 1-1 HMFC Double sub for the Jambos: Tagawa, Grant Vargas, Lowry
Heart of Midlothian VS Aberdeen
end of second half
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
2-1 | Goal - Leighton Owen Clarkson , Aberdeen
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
77' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
McGrath is booked for a foul on Denholm near the touchline.
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
75' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Another change for Aberdeen
Bojan Miovski
Dante Polvara
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
73' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Two changes for Aberdeen.
Ester Sokler & Jack Milne
Duk & Shayden Morris
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
72' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Two more Hearts changes, and welcome back...
Halkett, Denholm
Sibbick, Nieuwenhof
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
72' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Rowles is booked after fouling Shinnie on the break.
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
67' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
McGrath sends a curling effort at goal but it's wide
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
63' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Beni Baningime is booked following a foul on Jamie McGrath. There's a VAR check for a possible red on Beni, but the original decision stands.
Miovski and Kent are then booked for an off-the-ball incident following the foul.
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
60' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Sokler is threaded through on goal, but his effort ripples Clark's side netting.
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
59' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Stefan Gartenmann is booked for a foul on Jorge Grant.
Aberdeen VS Heart of Midlothian
57' | AFC 1-1 HMFC
Double sub for the Jambos:
Tagawa, Grant
Vargas, Lowry