GOAL Jeanfield Swifts 6-0 Elgin City 77 mins
Yellow card Blair McKenzie
GOAL Jeanfield Swits 5-0 Elgin City 58 mins
Substitutions for Elgin
Yellow Card Brian Cameron
end of second half
6-0 | Goal - Christopher Scott , Jeanfield Swifts
5-0 | Goal - Christopher Scott , Jeanfield Swifts
Half time at Riverside Stadium
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
GOAL Jeanfield Swifts 2-0 Elgin City
Penalty to Jeanfield Swifts
GOAL Jeanfield Swifts 1-0 Elgin City 3 mins
Underway here at the Riverside Stadium
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Jeanfield Swifts 6-0 Elgin City
77 mins
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Yellow card
Blair McKenzie
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Jeanfield Swits 5-0 Elgin City
58 mins
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Substitutions for Elgin
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Yellow Card
Brian Cameron
Elgin City VS Jeanfield Swifts
end of second half
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
6-0 | Goal - Christopher Scott , Jeanfield Swifts
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
5-0 | Goal - Christopher Scott , Jeanfield Swifts
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Half time at Riverside Stadium
Elgin City VS Jeanfield Swifts
Start of 2nd half
Elgin City VS Jeanfield Swifts
end of first half
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Jeanfield Swifts 2-0 Elgin City
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Penalty to Jeanfield Swifts
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Jeanfield Swifts 1-0 Elgin City
3 mins
Jeanfield Swifts VS Elgin City
Underway here at the Riverside Stadium