end of second half
HALF-TIME: Greenock Morton 0-1 Airdrie
43' Muirhead with a free kick from distance that is blocked by the wall. 0-1
39' Callum Gallagher with a free kick on target that is held by MacDonald. 0-1
35' Frizzell shoots wide of the left post for Airdrie. 0-1
32' Goal: Lewis McGregor opens the scoring with Airdrie's first chance of the game. 0-1
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
27' Off the post! Inches away from the opener as a curling effort from Robbie Muirhead smashes off the post. 0-0
27' French smacks the post with a superb curling effort from outside the box. 0-0
25' George Oakley is pulled down in the box but play continues. 0-0
23' Morton with some great passing play to get forward before Oakley sees his shot blocked and out for a corner. 0-0
23' The corner is over everyone and out for an Airdrie goal kick. 0-0
Airdrieonians VS Greenock Morton
end of second half
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
HALF-TIME: Greenock Morton 0-1 Airdrie
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
43' Muirhead with a free kick from distance that is blocked by the wall.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
39' Callum Gallagher with a free kick on target that is held by MacDonald.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
35' Frizzell shoots wide of the left post for Airdrie.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
32' Goal: Lewis McGregor opens the scoring with Airdrie's first chance of the game.
Airdrieonians VS Greenock Morton
Start of 2nd half
Airdrieonians VS Greenock Morton
end of first half
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
27' Off the post!
Inches away from the opener as a curling effort from Robbie Muirhead smashes off the post.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
27' French smacks the post with a superb curling effort from outside the box. 0-0
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
25' George Oakley is pulled down in the box but play continues.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
23' Morton with some great passing play to get forward before Oakley sees his shot blocked and out for a corner.
Greenock Morton VS Airdrieonians
23' The corner is over everyone and out for an Airdrie goal kick.