end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Kai Fotheringham , Dundee United
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
27' Good play by McGregor to win a throw in the corner. 1-0
25' Moult hits the post with a cushioned header, with Cudjoe unable to take advantage. 1-0
25' Play resumes after what appeared to be a medical situation in the stand. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to the person involved.
15' The referee pauses play while stewards attend to an incident in the home stand. 1-0
11' Calum Gallagher sends a cheeky lobbed effort just over the bar. 1-0
10' Middleton screws wide after Dundee United break from an Airdrie attack. 1-0
8' Moult can only find the side netting with a diving header after a corner had been worked across. 1-0
5' Dean McMaster is unable to continue after colliding with the hoardings defending an early chance. Gavin Gallagher is his replacement. 1-0
4' GOAL | The home side take the lead as the ball is laid off to Cudjoe, who lashes home from just inside the box. 1-0
1' Airdrie in purple get the first half underway. 0-0
Airdrieonians VS Dundee United
end of second half
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
2-0 | Goal - Kai Fotheringham , Dundee United
Airdrieonians VS Dundee United
Start of 2nd half
Airdrieonians VS Dundee United
end of first half
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
27' Good play by McGregor to win a throw in the corner. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
25' Moult hits the post with a cushioned header, with Cudjoe unable to take advantage. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
25' Play resumes after what appeared to be a medical situation in the stand. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to the person involved.
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
15' The referee pauses play while stewards attend to an incident in the home stand. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
11' Calum Gallagher sends a cheeky lobbed effort just over the bar. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
10' Middleton screws wide after Dundee United break from an Airdrie attack. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
8' Moult can only find the side netting with a diving header after a corner had been worked across. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
5' Dean McMaster is unable to continue after colliding with the hoardings defending an early chance. Gavin Gallagher is his replacement. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
4' GOAL | The home side take the lead as the ball is laid off to Cudjoe, who lashes home from just inside the box. 1-0
Dundee United VS Airdrieonians
1' Airdrie in purple get the first half underway. 0-0