City empty the bench as on comes Patrick McEleney, Sam Todd, Jordan McEneff and Cian Kavanagh. Off go Mullen, Patching, O'Reilly and McJannet
5-0! Kavanagh strikes again from distance
4-0! Patching again with a classy finish!
Perfect first half for the Candystripes as they hit three goals in the first 45 minutes.... Mullan, Patching and Kavanagh with the goals!
43' Kavanagh as City hit three!
end of second half
Sub: McCay on for Diao
0-5 | Goal - Brandon Kavanagh , Derry City
0-4 | Goal - William Luke Patching , Derry City
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
40' Patching!
Kavanagh scores for Derry. 44// 0-3
Patching doubles Derrys advantage. 40// 0-2
35' Patching from distance but well over the top.
UC Dublin VS Derry City
City empty the bench as on comes Patrick McEleney, Sam Todd, Jordan McEneff and Cian Kavanagh.
Off go Mullen, Patching, O'Reilly and McJannet
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Kavanagh strikes again from distance
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Patching again with a classy finish!
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Perfect first half for the Candystripes as they hit three goals in the first 45 minutes....
Mullan, Patching and Kavanagh with the goals!
UC Dublin VS Derry City
43' Kavanagh as City hit three!
Derry City VS UC Dublin
end of second half
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Sub: McCay on for Diao
UC Dublin VS Derry City
0-5 | Goal - Brandon Kavanagh , Derry City
UC Dublin VS Derry City
0-4 | Goal - William Luke Patching , Derry City
Derry City VS UC Dublin
Start of 2nd half
Derry City VS UC Dublin
end of first half
UC Dublin VS Derry City
40' Patching!
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Kavanagh scores for Derry.
44// 0-3
UC Dublin VS Derry City
Patching doubles Derrys advantage.
40// 0-2
UC Dublin VS Derry City
35' Patching from distance but well over the top.