end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Kailin Barlow , Sligo Rovers
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
25 The ball falls for Bolger around 25 yards out and his volley goes over the bar 1-0 #bitored
17 Great play from Greg Bolger who plays a nice one-two with Robbie Burton on the edge of the box and he gets to the end line and his cross goes in off the unfortunate Evan Osam into his own net 1-0 #bitored
6 Fabrice Hartmanns corner is met by David Cawley who heads it wide 0-0 #bitored
5 Oh my word what an effort from Martelo He smacks the bar on the volley from 25 yards! 0-0 #bitored
1 HUGE claims for a Rovers penalty as Martelos cross strikes Keaney on the arm, nothing given 0-0 #bitored
1 KICK OFF Underway here at The Showgrounds 0-0 #bitored
ROVERS TEAM David Cawley leads us out and Robbie Burton makes his first start. Richard Brush starts in goal. Karl O Sullivan also starts on the wing Come on Rovers #bitored
The Showgrounds We are here and ready for this evenings big game Gates open from 6:30pm with cash or card accepted. Annual draw closes at 7pm srfcdirect.com/annual-draw-t
A magnificent result for Steve Feeney and his team! Congrats @SligoRvsWomen Enjoy it and safe home Into the semi finals
UC Dublin VS Sligo Rovers
end of second half
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
2-0 | Goal - Kailin Barlow , Sligo Rovers
UC Dublin VS Sligo Rovers
Start of 2nd half
UC Dublin VS Sligo Rovers
end of first half
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
25 The ball falls for Bolger around 25 yards out and his volley goes over the bar
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
17 Great play from Greg Bolger who plays a nice one-two with Robbie Burton on the edge of the box and he gets to the end line and his cross goes in off the unfortunate Evan Osam into his own net
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
6 Fabrice Hartmanns corner is met by David Cawley who heads it wide
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
5 Oh my word what an effort from Martelo
He smacks the bar on the volley from 25 yards!
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
1 HUGE claims for a Rovers penalty as Martelos cross strikes Keaney on the arm, nothing given
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
Underway here at The Showgrounds
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
David Cawley leads us out and Robbie Burton makes his first start.
Richard Brush starts in goal.
Karl O Sullivan also starts on the wing
Come on Rovers #bitored
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
The Showgrounds
We are here and ready for this evenings big game
Gates open from 6:30pm with cash or card accepted.
Annual draw closes at 7pm
Sligo Rovers VS UC Dublin
A magnificent result for Steve Feeney and his team!
Congrats @SligoRvsWomen
Enjoy it and safe home
Into the semi finals