end of second half
73' - A third for Sligo 3-0 #CCFC84 || #LOI
65' - Triple change for City ON Daniel Krezic, Gordon Walker, Rokas Stanuleviius OFF Barry Coffey, Cian Bargary, Aaron Bolger 2-0 #CCFC84 || #LOI
3-0 | Goal - Stefan Radosavlevic , Sligo Rovers
53' - Goal. Corner goes directly in. 2-0 #CCFC84 || #LOI
51' - Big save from Jimmy Corcoran to prevent a second 1-0 #CCFC84 || #LOI
Second half underway with one half-time change for City ON John O'Donovan OFF Ruairi Keating 1-0 #CCFC84 || #LOI
We trail at the break in Sligo. #CCFC84 || #LOI
2-0 | Goal - Johan Brannefalk , Sligo Rovers
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
45 HALF TIME Max Matas goal gives us the advantage here at the break 1-0 #bitored
42 Owalabi gets down the side on the left and works it onto his right foot His shot goes just wide of the far post 1-0 #bitored
38 Brilliant from Rovers as Mata heads it down for the on rushing Radosavljevic who beats two men on the edge of the area and almost squeezes one in at the far corner 1-0 #bitored
35 Almost a second! Rovers have a wide free-kick on the right Fitzgeralds cross is headed clear but its recycled by Barlow and it eventually falls to John Mahon who shaves the crossbar 1-0 #bitored
Cork City VS Sligo Rovers
end of second half
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
73' - A third for Sligo
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
65' - Triple change for City
ON Daniel Krezic, Gordon Walker, Rokas Stanuleviius
OFF Barry Coffey, Cian Bargary, Aaron Bolger
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
3-0 | Goal - Stefan Radosavlevic , Sligo Rovers
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
53' - Goal. Corner goes directly in.
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
51' - Big save from Jimmy Corcoran to prevent a second
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
Second half underway with one half-time change for City
ON John O'Donovan
OFF Ruairi Keating
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
We trail at the break in Sligo.
#CCFC84 || #LOI
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
2-0 | Goal - Johan Brannefalk , Sligo Rovers
Cork City VS Sligo Rovers
Start of 2nd half
Cork City VS Sligo Rovers
end of first half
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
Max Matas goal gives us the advantage here at the break
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
42 Owalabi gets down the side on the left and works it onto his right foot
His shot goes just wide of the far post
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
38 Brilliant from Rovers as Mata heads it down for the on rushing Radosavljevic who beats two men on the edge of the area and almost squeezes one in at the far corner
Sligo Rovers VS Cork City
35 Almost a second!
Rovers have a wide free-kick on the right
Fitzgeralds cross is headed clear but its recycled by Barlow and it eventually falls to John Mahon who shaves the crossbar