end of second half
1-1 | Goal - Alistair Coote , Bohemians FC
First change of the evening OFF 17. Farrell ON 12. Hakiki 61 | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Back underway for the 2nd half. 46 | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
We trail at the break.
The Reds lead at the break! HT | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Stoppage in play as Caffrey receives treatment. 35 | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Moylan again works himself space in the Bohs box but he just cant get his shot away, corner to the Reds. 36 | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Jack Moylan gives Shelbourne the lead on 24 minutes. 0-1
Bohemians and Shelbourne get underway at Dalymount Park. 0-0
That man again! A ball is played through the Bohs defence and Moylan beats the Bohs defender to the ball he then turns him inside and fires the ball into the bottom corner! 24 | 0-1 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Chance for the Reds as the ball breaks to Lunney on the edge of the box but his drive his is parried by Talbot. 15 | 0-0 #DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Shelbourne VS Bohemians FC
end of second half
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
1-1 | Goal - Alistair Coote , Bohemians FC
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
First change of the evening
OFF 17. Farrell
ON 12. Hakiki
61 | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Back underway for the 2nd half.
46 | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Shelbourne VS Bohemians FC
Start of 2nd half
Shelbourne VS Bohemians FC
end of first half
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
We trail at the break.
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
The Reds lead at the break!
HT | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Stoppage in play as Caffrey receives treatment.
35 | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Moylan again works himself space in the Bohs box but he just cant get his shot away, corner to the Reds.
36 | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Jack Moylan gives Shelbourne the lead on 24 minutes.
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Bohemians and Shelbourne get underway at Dalymount Park.
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
That man again!
A ball is played through the Bohs defence and Moylan beats the Bohs defender to the ball he then turns him inside and fires the ball into the bottom corner!
24 | 0-1
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895
Bohemians FC VS Shelbourne
Chance for the Reds as the ball breaks to Lunney on the edge of the box but his drive his is parried by Talbot.
15 | 0-0
#DublinsFinest | #Since1895