end of second half
7-0 | Goal - Thomas Oluwya , Waterford FC
72' Chance for Roland Idowu but keeper Hallahan saves. 6-0 #WATvTRE
66' Blues on the attack through Romeo Akachukwu strikes but it's saved by Hallahan. 6-0 #WATvTRE
64' Blues double substitution as Dean Larkin and Romeo Akachukwu replace Shane Griffin and Barry Baggley. 6-0 #WATvTRE
56' Blues triple substitution as Eddie Nolan, Thomas Oluwa and Ronan Mansfield replace Giles Phillips, Ronan Coughlan and Ryan Burke. 6-0 #WATvTRE
55' GOALLL BLUESSS and it's 6-0!! Brilliant from the Blues as Ronan Coughlan down the left and he turns supplier to find Griffin to make it SIX. 6-0 #WATvTRE
6-0 | Goal - Shane Griffin , Waterford FC
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
5-0 | Goal - Ronan Liam Coughlan , Waterford FC
4-0 | Goal - Tummise Sobowale , Waterford FC
3-0 | Goal - Giles Ene Malachi Phillips , Waterford FC
2-0 | Goal - Shane Griffin , Waterford FC
12' Break in play as the visiting physio is called into action. 0-0 #WATvTRE
10' Lively start here in a sunny RSC with both sides looking to get forward for an early goal. Apologies for the audio issues at the start of the game, which are now resolved. 0-0 #WATvTRE
1' Big Blues chance after 16 seconds but Roland Idowu can't find the target from inside the penalty area. 0-0 #WATvTRE
1' And we're underway. 0-0 #WATvTRE
Treaty United FC VS Waterford FC
end of second half
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
7-0 | Goal - Thomas Oluwya , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
72' Chance for Roland Idowu but keeper Hallahan saves.
6-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
66' Blues on the attack through Romeo Akachukwu strikes but it's saved by Hallahan.
6-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
64' Blues double substitution as Dean Larkin and Romeo Akachukwu replace Shane Griffin and Barry Baggley.
6-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
56' Blues triple substitution as Eddie Nolan, Thomas Oluwa and Ronan Mansfield replace Giles Phillips, Ronan Coughlan and Ryan Burke.
6-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
55' GOALLL BLUESSS and it's 6-0!!
Brilliant from the Blues as Ronan Coughlan down the left and he turns supplier to find Griffin to make it SIX.
6-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
6-0 | Goal - Shane Griffin , Waterford FC
Treaty United FC VS Waterford FC
Start of 2nd half
Treaty United FC VS Waterford FC
end of first half
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
5-0 | Goal - Ronan Liam Coughlan , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
4-0 | Goal - Tummise Sobowale , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
3-0 | Goal - Giles Ene Malachi Phillips , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
2-0 | Goal - Shane Griffin , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
12' Break in play as the visiting physio is called into action.
0-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
10' Lively start here in a sunny RSC with both sides looking to get forward for an early goal.
Apologies for the audio issues at the start of the game, which are now resolved.
0-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
1' Big Blues chance after 16 seconds but Roland Idowu can't find the target from inside the penalty area.
0-0 #WATvTRE
Waterford FC VS Treaty United FC
1' And we're underway.
0-0 #WATvTRE