end of second half
0-3 | Goal - Christie Pattison , Waterford FC
0-2 | Goal - Ronan Liam Coughlan , Waterford FC
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
0-1 | Goal - Ryan Burke , Waterford FC
Match kickoff
' - #LONvWAT #WaterfordFC
Bishopsgate #WaterfordFC
Safe travels to all Blues fans making the trip to Bishopsgate for this evenings match against Longford Town - kick off 7.45pm See you there #WaterfordFC #WATvWAT
REFEREE | Match officials for tonight's game as the Blues face Longford Town in Bishopsgate at 7.45pm. Referee: Ray Matthews Assistant 1: Mark Patchell Assistant 2: Niall McLoughlin Fourth Official: Michael Connolly #WaterfordFC #LONvWAT
- Don't forget, Giles, Ronan and Dean will be on hand at the club shop next Thursday, September 28th, to get your copy of Blue Army signed. Come join us from 5.30pm! #WaterfordFC #BlueArmy
Some big battles over the years against tonight's opponents Longford Town. Tickets available for the 7.45pm KO in Bishopsgate: waterfordfc.ie/ticket-longfo #WaterfordFC
SSE Airtricity First Division Longford Town Bishopsgate 7:45pm LOITV waterfordfc.ie/ticket-longfo #WaterfordFC #LONvWAT
Looking back at the Blues' visit to Bishopsgate last season where Phoenix Patterson was on target. 7.45pm kick off as we face Longford this Friday night. #WaterfordFC
Waterford FC VS Longford Town
end of second half
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
0-3 | Goal - Christie Pattison , Waterford FC
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
0-2 | Goal - Ronan Liam Coughlan , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Longford Town
Start of 2nd half
Waterford FC VS Longford Town
end of first half
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
0-1 | Goal - Ryan Burke , Waterford FC
Waterford FC VS Longford Town
Match kickoff
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
' -
#LONvWAT #WaterfordFC
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
Safe travels to all Blues fans making the trip to Bishopsgate for this evenings match against Longford Town - kick off 7.45pm
See you there
#WaterfordFC #WATvWAT
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
REFEREE | Match officials for tonight's game as the Blues face Longford Town in Bishopsgate at 7.45pm.
Referee: Ray Matthews
Assistant 1: Mark Patchell
Assistant 2: Niall McLoughlin
Fourth Official: Michael Connolly
#WaterfordFC #LONvWAT
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
Don't forget, Giles, Ronan and Dean will be on hand at the club shop next Thursday, September 28th, to get your copy of Blue Army signed.
Come join us from 5.30pm!
#WaterfordFC #BlueArmy
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
Some big battles over the years against tonight's opponents Longford Town.
Tickets available for the 7.45pm KO in Bishopsgate:
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
SSE Airtricity First Division
Longford Town
#WaterfordFC #LONvWAT
Longford Town VS Waterford FC
Looking back at the Blues' visit to Bishopsgate last season where Phoenix Patterson was on target.
7.45pm kick off as we face Longford this Friday night.