end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Jack Doherty , Cobh Ramblers
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
HT | Ramblers 1-0 Longford Wilsons header after Dohertys free-kick was parried the only goal at the break Come on the Rams!
36 mins Wilson Waweru Goal...
1-0 | Goal - Wilson Waweru , Cobh Ramblers
Match kickoff
Tonights visitors
Tonights Cobh Ramblers side at home to Longford Five changes from last week as Lyons, Waweru, Abbott, Desmond and Larkin all start Pierce Phillips returns among the substitutes 19:45 kick-off in St Colmans Park!
Tonights game with @LongfordTownFC is live on #LOITV Another big night for the Rams! @relivvit
Tonights game with @LongfordTownFC is live on #LOITV Another big game for the Rams @relivvit
Tonights big predictions
MATCHDAY We host Longford Town this evening in St Colmans Park Preview - cobhramblers.ie/preview-long Tickets - klubfunder.com/Clubs/Cobh_Ra Match Sponsor - EuroSpar Cobh Live Music after the game from Dr Dec! Friday night is Ramblers night
The First Division table ahead of tomorrow nights game in St Colmans Park 3 games to go before the play-offs!
Longford Town VS Cobh Ramblers
end of second half
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
2-0 | Goal - Jack Doherty , Cobh Ramblers
Longford Town VS Cobh Ramblers
Start of 2nd half
Longford Town VS Cobh Ramblers
end of first half
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
HT | Ramblers 1-0 Longford
Wilsons header after Dohertys free-kick was parried the only goal at the break
Come on the Rams!
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
36 mins Wilson Waweru
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
1-0 | Goal - Wilson Waweru , Cobh Ramblers
Longford Town VS Cobh Ramblers
Match kickoff
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
Tonights visitors
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
Tonights Cobh Ramblers side at home to Longford
Five changes from last week as Lyons, Waweru, Abbott, Desmond and Larkin all start
Pierce Phillips returns among the substitutes
19:45 kick-off in St Colmans Park!
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
Tonights game with @LongfordTownFC is live on #LOITV
Another big night for the Rams!
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
Tonights game with @LongfordTownFC is live on #LOITV
Another big game for the Rams
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
Tonights big predictions
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
We host Longford Town this evening in St Colmans Park
Preview - cobhramblers.ie/preview-long
Tickets - klubfunder.com/Clubs/Cobh_Ra
Match Sponsor - EuroSpar Cobh
Live Music after the game from Dr Dec!
Friday night is Ramblers night
Cobh Ramblers VS Longford Town
The First Division table ahead of tomorrow nights game in St Colmans Park
3 games to go before the play-offs!