end of second half
Substituio CD Tondela | 58' Roberto & Hlder Tavares Dos Anjos & Pedro Maranho #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Golo Belenenses 54' | 0-1 #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Arranca a 2 parte no Joo Cardoso CD Tondela 0 Belenenses 0 #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
1-1 | Goal - Andre Serra , CF Os Belenenses
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Intervalo no Joo Cardoso CD Tondela 0 Belenenses 0 #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Arranca a partida no Joo Cardoso #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
O nosso #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Em contagem decrescente #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Chegmos #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Balnerio pronto #MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
CF Os Belenenses VS Tondela
end of second half
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Substituio CD Tondela | 58'
Roberto & Hlder Tavares
Dos Anjos & Pedro Maranho
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Golo Belenenses
54' | 0-1
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Arranca a 2 parte no Joo Cardoso
CD Tondela 0
Belenenses 0
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
1-1 | Goal - Andre Serra , CF Os Belenenses
CF Os Belenenses VS Tondela
Start of 2nd half
CF Os Belenenses VS Tondela
end of first half
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Intervalo no Joo Cardoso
CD Tondela 0
Belenenses 0
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Arranca a partida no Joo Cardoso
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
O nosso
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Em contagem decrescente
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB
Tondela VS CF Os Belenenses
Balnerio pronto
#MgicoTondela #CDTCFB