That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
end of second half
Milosz Trojak is shown a yellow card by the referee
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Adrian Dalmau runs off the field and in comes Evgeni Shikavka
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Mariusz Fornalczyk runs off the field and in comes Shuma Nagamatsu
Slask Wroclaw make a substitution. Marc Llinares runs off the field and in comes Krzysztof Kurowski
G O O O A A A L - Adrian Dalmau from Korona Kielce puts it away from the penalty spot!
2-0 | G - Adrian Dalmau , Korona Kielce
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Jakub Konstantyn runs off the field and in comes Wiktor Dlugosz
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Martin Remacle runs off the field and in comes Marcus Godinho
Slask Wroclaw make a substitution. Mateusz Zukowski runs off the field and in comes Arnau Ortiz
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Pedro Nuno runs off the field and in comes Yoav Hofmeister
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Slask Wroclaw VS Korona Kielce
end of second half
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Milosz Trojak is shown a yellow card by the referee
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Adrian Dalmau runs off the field and in comes Evgeni Shikavka
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Mariusz Fornalczyk runs off the field and in comes Shuma Nagamatsu
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Slask Wroclaw make a substitution. Marc Llinares runs off the field and in comes Krzysztof Kurowski
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
G O O O A A A L - Adrian Dalmau from Korona Kielce puts it away from the penalty spot!
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
2-0 | G - Adrian Dalmau , Korona Kielce
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Jakub Konstantyn runs off the field and in comes Wiktor Dlugosz
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Martin Remacle runs off the field and in comes Marcus Godinho
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Slask Wroclaw make a substitution. Mateusz Zukowski runs off the field and in comes Arnau Ortiz
Korona Kielce VS Slask Wroclaw
Korona Kielce make a substitution. Pedro Nuno runs off the field and in comes Yoav Hofmeister