end of second half
1-2 | Goal - Nicolas Isimat-Mirin , SBV Vitesse
1-1 | Goal - Paxten Aaronson , SBV Vitesse
1-0 | Goal - Lance Duijvestijn , Excelsior Rotterdam
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Match kickoff
Onze elf
Vechten. #excvit
Arrived in Kralingen #excvit
Starting versus Vitesse. #excvit
#samensterk #excvit
Van Donge & De Roo #excvit
010 #excvit
Time to rise up #samensterk
Onze club Milan Schellingerhout
SBV Vitesse VS Excelsior Rotterdam
end of second half
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
1-2 | Goal - Nicolas Isimat-Mirin , SBV Vitesse
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
1-1 | Goal - Paxten Aaronson , SBV Vitesse
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
1-0 | Goal - Lance Duijvestijn , Excelsior Rotterdam
SBV Vitesse VS Excelsior Rotterdam
Start of 2nd half
SBV Vitesse VS Excelsior Rotterdam
end of first half
SBV Vitesse VS Excelsior Rotterdam
Match kickoff
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Onze elf
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Arrived in Kralingen
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Starting versus Vitesse. #excvit
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
#samensterk #excvit
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Van Donge & De Roo
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Time to rise up
Excelsior Rotterdam VS SBV Vitesse
Onze club
Milan Schellingerhout