end of second half
1-1 | Goal - Joey Jacobs , Almere City
1-2 | Goal - Apostolos Vellios , PEC Zwolle
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
0-1 | Goal - Davy van den Berg , PEC Zwolle
Match kickoff
Happy birthday, Jasper! Lets make it a good one #peczwolle #almpec
P.E.C on tour #peczwolle
Bedankt voor alles, Bart #peczwolle
... 02 | 16.30 #peczwolle #almpec
PEC Zwolle VS Almere City
end of second half
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
1-1 | Goal - Joey Jacobs , Almere City
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
1-2 | Goal - Apostolos Vellios , PEC Zwolle
PEC Zwolle VS Almere City
Start of 2nd half
PEC Zwolle VS Almere City
end of first half
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
0-1 | Goal - Davy van den Berg , PEC Zwolle
PEC Zwolle VS Almere City
Match kickoff
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
Happy birthday, Jasper!
Lets make it a good one
#peczwolle #almpec
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
P.E.C on tour
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
Bedankt voor alles, Bart
Almere City VS PEC Zwolle
02 | 16.30
#peczwolle #almpec