That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
HE MISSES - Umberto Eusepi takes the penalty, but he fails to score!
end of second half
Nicolas Galazzi is shown a yellow card by the referee
Brescia make a substitution. Massimiliano Mangraviti runs off the field and in comes Davide Adorni
Brescia make a substitution. Gennaro Borrelli runs off the field and in comes Gabriele Moncini
Lecco make a substitution. Artur Ionita runs off the field and in comes Duccio Degli Innocenti
Brescia make a substitution. Mohamed Fares runs off the field and in comes Nicolas Galazzi
Brescia make a substitution. Fabrizio Paghera runs off the field and in comes Giacomo Olzer
Lecco make a substitution. Giovanni Crociata runs off the field and in comes Umberto Eusepi
Lecco make a substitution. Lorenzo Di Stefano runs off the field and in comes Mattia Tordini
Lecco VS Brescia
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Lecco VS Brescia
HE MISSES - Umberto Eusepi takes the penalty, but he fails to score!
Brescia VS Lecco
end of second half
Lecco VS Brescia
Nicolas Galazzi is shown a yellow card by the referee
Lecco VS Brescia
Brescia make a substitution. Massimiliano Mangraviti runs off the field and in comes Davide Adorni
Lecco VS Brescia
Brescia make a substitution. Gennaro Borrelli runs off the field and in comes Gabriele Moncini
Lecco VS Brescia
Lecco make a substitution. Artur Ionita runs off the field and in comes Duccio Degli Innocenti
Lecco VS Brescia
Brescia make a substitution. Mohamed Fares runs off the field and in comes Nicolas Galazzi
Lecco VS Brescia
Brescia make a substitution. Fabrizio Paghera runs off the field and in comes Giacomo Olzer
Lecco VS Brescia
Lecco make a substitution. Giovanni Crociata runs off the field and in comes Umberto Eusepi
Lecco VS Brescia
Lecco make a substitution. Lorenzo Di Stefano runs off the field and in comes Mattia Tordini