end of second half
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Gianluca Gaetano equalizes for @CagliariCalcio with an exquisite header #UdineseCagliari
1-1 | Goal - Gianluca Gaetano , Cagliari
1-0 | Goal - Jordan Zemura , Udinese
Match kickoff
MATCHDAY domenica 18 febbraio 2024 15:00 CET Bluenergy Stadium #SerieATIM #UdineseCagliari @DAZN_IT We Play For U! #ForzaUdinese #AlUdin #Udinese
@Atalanta_BC's attack have been buzzing in the last 5 #SerieA matches: 3-0 vs Sassuolo 4-1 vs Genoa 3-1 vs Lazio 2-0 vs Udinese 5-0 vs Frosinone
Cagliari VS Udinese
end of second half
Cagliari VS Udinese
Start of 2nd half
Cagliari VS Udinese
end of first half
Udinese VS Cagliari
Gianluca Gaetano equalizes for @CagliariCalcio with an exquisite header
Udinese VS Cagliari
1-1 | Goal - Gianluca Gaetano , Cagliari
Udinese VS Cagliari
1-0 | Goal - Jordan Zemura , Udinese
Cagliari VS Udinese
Match kickoff
Udinese VS Cagliari
domenica 18 febbraio 2024
15:00 CET
Bluenergy Stadium
We Play For U!
#ForzaUdinese #AlUdin #Udinese
Udinese VS Cagliari
@Atalanta_BC's attack have been buzzing in the last 5 #SerieA matches:
3-0 vs Sassuolo
4-1 vs Genoa
3-1 vs Lazio
2-0 vs Udinese
5-0 vs Frosinone