end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Niccolo Pisilli , Roma
| CRISTANTE FROM RANGE! 1-1 75 #RomaVenezia https://t.co/WLbseUPdYI
Our first changes of the match Baldanzi, Pisilli Mancini, Kone 0-1 58 #RomaVenezia https://t.co/5pTwLZJaJ3
1-1 | Goal - Bryan Cristante , Roma
Work to do in the second half FORZA ROMA! 0-1 46 #RomaVenezia https://t.co/lHEAcypXzA
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
| Half-time at the Olimpico. #ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/YbAiUSGDli
0-1 | Goal - Joel Pohjanpalo , Venezia
Thirty gone here, still goalless 0-0 30 #RomaVenezia https://t.co/kKPH1kEx6m
RT @OfficialASRoma: FORZA ROMA! #RomaVenezia https://t.co/rMYJoPSyY7
| Were underway at the Olimpico! 0-0 1 #RomaVenezia https://t.co/Q5mPc8mRPF
Match kickoff
RT @ASRomaWomen: FT | Three points on a Sunday! #ASRomaWomen https://t.co/8KxEreTYIU
Focus levels: #ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/8p51MmEUbJ
In the starting XI #ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/ol82iN5iTQ
Venezia VS Roma
end of second half
Roma VS Venezia
2-1 | Goal - Niccolo Pisilli , Roma
Roma VS Venezia
1-1 75
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/WLbseUPdYI
Roma VS Venezia
Our first changes of the match
Baldanzi, Pisilli
Mancini, Kone
0-1 58
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/5pTwLZJaJ3
Roma VS Venezia
1-1 | Goal - Bryan Cristante , Roma
Roma VS Venezia
Work to do in the second half
0-1 46
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/lHEAcypXzA
Venezia VS Roma
Start of 2nd half
Venezia VS Roma
end of first half
Roma VS Venezia
| Half-time at the Olimpico.
#ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/YbAiUSGDli
Roma VS Venezia
0-1 | Goal - Joel Pohjanpalo , Venezia
Roma VS Venezia
Thirty gone here, still goalless
0-0 30
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/kKPH1kEx6m
Roma VS Venezia
RT @OfficialASRoma: FORZA ROMA!
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/rMYJoPSyY7
Roma VS Venezia
| Were underway at the Olimpico!
0-0 1
#RomaVenezia https://t.co/Q5mPc8mRPF
Venezia VS Roma
Match kickoff
Roma VS Venezia
RT @ASRomaWomen: FT | Three points on a Sunday!
#ASRomaWomen https://t.co/8KxEreTYIU
Roma VS Venezia
Focus levels:
#ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/8p51MmEUbJ
Roma VS Venezia
In the starting XI
#ASRoma | #RomaVenezia https://t.co/ol82iN5iTQ