end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Matias Vecino , Lazio
2-0 | Goal - Pedro Rodriguez , Lazio
HT | 1-0 Avanti allintervallo! #LazioGenoa #CMonEagles https://t.co/6OwVcJRTyn
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
#LazioGenoa #CMonEagles https://t.co/HpzI2Kvx6f
1-0 | Goal - Tijjani Noslin , Lazio
Match kickoff
Le parole di Patric nel pre partita di Lazio-Genoa! https://t.co/mRfgJzZQNO #CMonEagles https://t.co/2N2EKttBJd
Our starting XI! #LazioGenoa #CMonEagles https://t.co/jFP2lzUsTD
3 hours to go! Global kick-off times across the world today #LazioGenoa #CMonEagles https://t.co/apt3NIHuth
' #LazioGenoa #CMonEagles https://t.co/dsoqioQ2Bu
Scarica il match program qui https://t.co/yhJuH661C6 https://t.co/ZdPF1aIORy
Adam Marusic al match program di #LazioGenoa! https://t.co/1vJDWhzMIf #CMonEagles https://t.co/mYSILEJgt6
Gli HL https://t.co/k2LWBVhcJH Le interviste https://t.co/1HQ2h29e3u #LazioSamp #Primavera1 https://t.co/8mLURxPUJK
Genoa VS Lazio
end of second half
Lazio VS Genoa
3-0 | Goal - Matias Vecino , Lazio
Lazio VS Genoa
2-0 | Goal - Pedro Rodriguez , Lazio
Lazio VS Genoa
HT | 1-0
Avanti allintervallo!
#CMonEagles https://t.co/6OwVcJRTyn
Genoa VS Lazio
Start of 2nd half
Genoa VS Lazio
end of first half
Lazio VS Genoa
#CMonEagles https://t.co/HpzI2Kvx6f
Lazio VS Genoa
1-0 | Goal - Tijjani Noslin , Lazio
Genoa VS Lazio
Match kickoff
Lazio VS Genoa
Le parole di Patric nel pre partita di Lazio-Genoa!
#CMonEagles https://t.co/2N2EKttBJd
Lazio VS Genoa
Our starting XI!
#CMonEagles https://t.co/jFP2lzUsTD
Lazio VS Genoa
3 hours to go!
Global kick-off times across the world today
#CMonEagles https://t.co/apt3NIHuth
Lazio VS Genoa
#CMonEagles https://t.co/dsoqioQ2Bu
Lazio VS Genoa
Scarica il match program qui https://t.co/yhJuH661C6 https://t.co/ZdPF1aIORy
Lazio VS Genoa
Adam Marusic al match program di #LazioGenoa!
#CMonEagles https://t.co/mYSILEJgt6
Lazio VS Genoa
Gli HL https://t.co/k2LWBVhcJH
Le interviste https://t.co/1HQ2h29e3u
#Primavera1 https://t.co/8mLURxPUJK