end of second half
3-1 | Goal - Patric , Lazio
2-1 | Goal - Gustav Isaksen , Lazio
1-1 | Goal - Valentin Castellanos , Lazio
0-1 | G - Matias Soule , Frosinone
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Tonights captain #LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
300 club appearances for @F_Andersoon! #LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
Match kickoff
Last home game of the year #LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
A late one tonight! Where are you watching the game from? #LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
Frosinone VS Lazio
end of second half
Lazio VS Frosinone
3-1 | Goal - Patric , Lazio
Lazio VS Frosinone
2-1 | Goal - Gustav Isaksen , Lazio
Lazio VS Frosinone
1-1 | Goal - Valentin Castellanos , Lazio
Lazio VS Frosinone
0-1 | G - Matias Soule , Frosinone
Frosinone VS Lazio
Start of 2nd half
Frosinone VS Lazio
end of first half
Lazio VS Frosinone
Tonights captain
#LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
Lazio VS Frosinone
300 club appearances for @F_Andersoon!
#LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
Frosinone VS Lazio
Match kickoff
Lazio VS Frosinone
Last home game of the year
#LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles
Lazio VS Frosinone
A late one tonight!
Where are you watching the game from?
#LazioFrosinone | #CMonEagles