end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Pedro Rodriguez , Lazio
RT @EmpoliFC: DEVIS!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/D4lGxRVRGm
HT | 1-1 Pari allintervallo #LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/yWjaE4DJ8M
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
1-1 | Goal - Mattia Zaccagni , Lazio
#LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/BQdT91lW8V
Esposito! Empoli lead in the capital! #LazioEmpoli 0-1 https://t.co/Xwlr5DiFVF
0-1 | Goal - Sebastiano Esposito , Empoli
Match kickoff
Starting XI #LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/AqryrrackN
#LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/qzd3PyVOKn
5 hours to go! Global kick-off times across the world today #LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/lJ1Bb9DPl5
' #LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/yBg1WDU2YL
Next up #LazioEmpoli #CMonEagles https://t.co/VgUntlfeZx
| Alessandro Milani https://t.co/hbhQIX2IOh #CMonEagles https://t.co/VNB4GxcfCv
Empoli VS Lazio
end of second half
Lazio VS Empoli
2-1 | Goal - Pedro Rodriguez , Lazio
Lazio VS Empoli
RT @EmpoliFC: DEVIS!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/D4lGxRVRGm
Lazio VS Empoli
HT | 1-1
Pari allintervallo
#CMonEagles https://t.co/yWjaE4DJ8M
Empoli VS Lazio
Start of 2nd half
Empoli VS Lazio
end of first half
Lazio VS Empoli
1-1 | Goal - Mattia Zaccagni , Lazio
Lazio VS Empoli
#CMonEagles https://t.co/BQdT91lW8V
Lazio VS Empoli
Esposito! Empoli lead in the capital!
#LazioEmpoli 0-1 https://t.co/Xwlr5DiFVF
Lazio VS Empoli
0-1 | Goal - Sebastiano Esposito , Empoli
Empoli VS Lazio
Match kickoff
Lazio VS Empoli
Starting XI
#CMonEagles https://t.co/AqryrrackN
Lazio VS Empoli
#CMonEagles https://t.co/qzd3PyVOKn
Lazio VS Empoli
5 hours to go!
Global kick-off times across the world today
#CMonEagles https://t.co/lJ1Bb9DPl5
Lazio VS Empoli
#CMonEagles https://t.co/yBg1WDU2YL
Lazio VS Empoli
Next up
#CMonEagles https://t.co/VgUntlfeZx
Lazio VS Empoli
| Alessandro Milani
#CMonEagles https://t.co/VNB4GxcfCv