end of second half
3-2 | Goal - Janni Thomsen , Denmark
2-2 | Goal - Rikke Sevecke , Denmark
1-2 | Goal - Belen Aquino , Uruguay
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
1-1 | Goal - Yannel Correa , Uruguay
1-0 | Goal - Sofie Bruun Bredgaard , Denmark
Match kickoff
Kvindelandsholdets start 11'er #ForDanmarkrk
Uruguay VS Denmark
end of second half
Denmark VS Uruguay
3-2 | Goal - Janni Thomsen , Denmark
Denmark VS Uruguay
2-2 | Goal - Rikke Sevecke , Denmark
Denmark VS Uruguay
1-2 | Goal - Belen Aquino , Uruguay
Uruguay VS Denmark
Start of 2nd half
Uruguay VS Denmark
end of first half
Denmark VS Uruguay
1-1 | Goal - Yannel Correa , Uruguay
Denmark VS Uruguay
1-0 | Goal - Sofie Bruun Bredgaard , Denmark
Uruguay VS Denmark
Match kickoff
Denmark VS Uruguay
Kvindelandsholdets start 11'er #ForDanmarkrk