end of second half
3-3 | Goal - Sebastian Szymanski , Poland
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Croatia with a rapid turnaround 5' Poland 1-0 Croatia 20' Poland 1-1 Croatia 24' Poland 1-2 Croatia 26' Poland 1-3 Croatia https://t.co/xcaadgLruB
2-3 | Goal - Nicola Zalewski , Poland
1-3 | Goal - Martin Baturina , Croatia
1-2 | Goal - Petar Sucic , Croatia
1-1 | Goal - Borna Sosa , Croatia
1-0 | Goal - Piotr Zielinski , Poland
Match kickoff
Croatia VS Poland
end of second half
Poland VS Croatia
3-3 | Goal - Sebastian Szymanski , Poland
Croatia VS Poland
Start of 2nd half
Croatia VS Poland
end of first half
Poland VS Croatia
Croatia with a rapid turnaround
5' Poland 1-0 Croatia
20' Poland 1-1 Croatia
24' Poland 1-2 Croatia
26' Poland 1-3 Croatia https://t.co/xcaadgLruB
Poland VS Croatia
2-3 | Goal - Nicola Zalewski , Poland
Poland VS Croatia
1-3 | Goal - Martin Baturina , Croatia
Poland VS Croatia
1-2 | Goal - Petar Sucic , Croatia
Poland VS Croatia
1-1 | Goal - Borna Sosa , Croatia
Poland VS Croatia
1-0 | Goal - Piotr Zielinski , Poland
Croatia VS Poland
Match kickoff