68' | 1-1 | Goal by Undav. #UCL
end of second half
3-1 | Goal - Endrick , Real Madrid
2-1 | Goal - Antonio Ruediger , Real Madrid
2 All in for the second half! @RealMadriden 0-0 @VfB_int #UCL https://t.co/m52fQT6CAB
1-1 | Goal - Deniz Undav , Stuttgart
Directors' meeting. #RealMadrid | #UCL
@realmadriden 0-0 @vfb_int #UCL https://t.co/VLv3vJs9en
1-0 | Goal - Kylian Mbappe , Real Madrid
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
HALA MADRID! #UCL https://t.co/Cvz5nfUaBT
And we're underway! @realmadriden @VfB_int #UCL https://t.co/qWuODP49R3
LET'S GO TEAM! #UCL https://t.co/z6MsaO0FwC
Match kickoff
We are here! #UCL https://t.co/Dnz6KUOvQe
All set in our dressing room! #UCL https://t.co/d623Esy8v6
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
68' | 1-1 | Goal by Undav.
Stuttgart VS Real Madrid
end of second half
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
3-1 | Goal - Endrick , Real Madrid
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
2-1 | Goal - Antonio Ruediger , Real Madrid
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
2 All in for the second half!
@RealMadriden 0-0 @VfB_int
#UCL https://t.co/m52fQT6CAB
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
1-1 | Goal - Deniz Undav , Stuttgart
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
Directors' meeting.
#RealMadrid | #UCL
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
@realmadriden 0-0 @vfb_int
#UCL https://t.co/VLv3vJs9en
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
1-0 | Goal - Kylian Mbappe , Real Madrid
Stuttgart VS Real Madrid
Start of 2nd half
Stuttgart VS Real Madrid
end of first half
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
#UCL https://t.co/Cvz5nfUaBT
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
And we're underway!
@realmadriden @VfB_int
#UCL https://t.co/qWuODP49R3
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
#UCL https://t.co/z6MsaO0FwC
Stuttgart VS Real Madrid
Match kickoff
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
We are here!
#UCL https://t.co/Dnz6KUOvQe
Real Madrid VS Stuttgart
All set in our dressing room!
#UCL https://t.co/d623Esy8v6