end of second half
0-2 | Goal - Bruno Petkovic , Dinamo Zagreb
0-1 | Goal - Sandro Kulenovic , Dinamo Zagreb
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Match kickoff
Brest ?-? Leverkusen Salzburg ?-? GNK Dinamo Barcelona ?-? Bayern Test your prediction powers. Tap to play Predict 6
Dinamo Zagreb VS RB Salzburg
end of second half
RB Salzburg VS Dinamo Zagreb
0-2 | Goal - Bruno Petkovic , Dinamo Zagreb
RB Salzburg VS Dinamo Zagreb
0-1 | Goal - Sandro Kulenovic , Dinamo Zagreb
Dinamo Zagreb VS RB Salzburg
Start of 2nd half
Dinamo Zagreb VS RB Salzburg
end of first half
Dinamo Zagreb VS RB Salzburg
Match kickoff
RB Salzburg VS Dinamo Zagreb
Brest ?-? Leverkusen
Salzburg ?-? GNK Dinamo
Barcelona ?-? Bayern
Test your prediction powers. Tap to play Predict 6