end of second half
5-0 | Goal - Leandro Trossard , Belgium
76 | Substitution Makhmudov Jamalov #BELAZE
71 | Another shot by Doku, but it goes over the bar once again. #BELAZE
67 | Doku's attempt goes just over goal. #BELAZE
64 | Substitution Dadasov Akmedzade #BELAZE
59 | Substitution Theate, Bakayoko Carrasco, Saelemaekers #BELAZE
46 | Substitution Isaev, Emreli Diniyev, Akhundzade #BELAZE
46 | The second half has begun. #BELAZE
46 | Substitution Vranckx, Lukaku Tielemans, Openda #BELAZE
Perfect first half. #BELAZE #WirSchaffenDas
The goal is disallowed for offside. Still 4-0. #BELAZE
Azerbaijan VS Belgium
end of second half
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
5-0 | Goal - Leandro Trossard , Belgium
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
76 | Substitution
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
71 | Another shot by Doku, but it goes over the bar once again. #BELAZE
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
67 | Doku's attempt goes just over goal. #BELAZE
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
64 | Substitution
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
59 | Substitution
Theate, Bakayoko
Carrasco, Saelemaekers
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
46 | Substitution
Isaev, Emreli
Diniyev, Akhundzade
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
46 | The second half has begun. #BELAZE
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
46 | Substitution
Vranckx, Lukaku
Tielemans, Openda
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
Perfect first half. #BELAZE #WirSchaffenDas
Belgium VS Azerbaijan
The goal is disallowed for offside. Still 4-0. #BELAZE