end of second half
0-1 | Goal - Tijjani Noslin , Lazio
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
1 | 0-0 Inizia la sfida La diretta streaming https://t.co/XKPKNa8udE #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/BOemjgWM6H
Match kickoff
Men on a mission #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/bVmqzm0vpA
26.000 volte , #CMonEagles https://t.co/lYoa7BbKKh
Il #TrofeoCarranza scatta alle 21:00, segui #CdizLazio in streaming https://t.co/XKPKNa8udE #CMonEagles https://t.co/u86Kx6IK9Y
Meet tonights starting XI #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/shq70NTZPw
All set for the action https://t.co/zSx7QNNvZe #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/ONB0LiIYVg
Please keep off the grass! #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/8jisTBPz79
Setting the scene for an epic night #TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio #CMonEagles https://t.co/EoBthpmw9J
Get ready for our pre-season finale in Cdiz! #CdizLazio | #TrofeoCarranza https://t.co/5Zf1MfLGdT
@SerieA, la vendita dei tagliandi di #LazioVenezia https://t.co/FdkKTQYhM9 https://t.co/one2u8mYWn
Lazio VS Cadiz
end of second half
Cadiz VS Lazio
0-1 | Goal - Tijjani Noslin , Lazio
Lazio VS Cadiz
Start of 2nd half
Lazio VS Cadiz
end of first half
Cadiz VS Lazio
1 | 0-0
Inizia la sfida
La diretta streaming https://t.co/XKPKNa8udE
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/BOemjgWM6H
Lazio VS Cadiz
Match kickoff
Cadiz VS Lazio
Men on a mission
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/bVmqzm0vpA
Cadiz VS Lazio
26.000 volte ,
#CMonEagles https://t.co/lYoa7BbKKh
Cadiz VS Lazio
Il #TrofeoCarranza scatta alle 21:00, segui #CdizLazio in streaming https://t.co/XKPKNa8udE
#CMonEagles https://t.co/u86Kx6IK9Y
Cadiz VS Lazio
Meet tonights starting XI
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/shq70NTZPw
Cadiz VS Lazio
All set for the action
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/ONB0LiIYVg
Cadiz VS Lazio
Please keep off the grass!
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/8jisTBPz79
Cadiz VS Lazio
Setting the scene for an epic night
#TrofeoCarranza | #CdizLazio
#CMonEagles https://t.co/EoBthpmw9J
Cadiz VS Lazio
Get ready for our pre-season finale in Cdiz!
#CdizLazio | #TrofeoCarranza https://t.co/5Zf1MfLGdT
Cadiz VS Lazio
@SerieA, la vendita dei tagliandi di #LazioVenezia
https://t.co/FdkKTQYhM9 https://t.co/one2u8mYWn