end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Oscar Vilhelmsson , Darmstadt 98
2-1 | Goal - Tim Skarke , Darmstadt 98
2-0 | Goal - Philipp Hofmann , VfL Bochum
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
How many of these defenders feature in your #FC24 Ultimate Team? #Bundesliga | #BundesligaTop5 | @EASPORTSFC
1-0 | Goal - Philipp Hofmann , VfL Bochum
Match kickoff
Darmstadt 98 VS VfL Bochum
end of second half
VfL Bochum VS Darmstadt 98
2-2 | Goal - Oscar Vilhelmsson , Darmstadt 98
VfL Bochum VS Darmstadt 98
2-1 | Goal - Tim Skarke , Darmstadt 98
VfL Bochum VS Darmstadt 98
2-0 | Goal - Philipp Hofmann , VfL Bochum
Darmstadt 98 VS VfL Bochum
Start of 2nd half
Darmstadt 98 VS VfL Bochum
end of first half
VfL Bochum VS Darmstadt 98
How many of these defenders feature in your #FC24 Ultimate Team?
#Bundesliga | #BundesligaTop5 | @EASPORTSFC
VfL Bochum VS Darmstadt 98
1-0 | Goal - Philipp Hofmann , VfL Bochum
Darmstadt 98 VS VfL Bochum
Match kickoff