end of second half
69': Take a moment to catch your breath, folks! Chances left, right, and centre for both sides! 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
66': End-to-end stuff here! It is so hard to keep up!! 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
59': AH TAKU! Golden chance for #Asano! Great link-up between #Broschinski and Taku, ball gets pass through to our jaguar, but the shot goes over! 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
58': Big chance for SGE, Pacho puts the ball wide. 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
55': First shot of the second half for VfL, #Asano tests Grahl from range but it is a comfortable save. 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
46': Weiter geht's! We are off again in Frankfurt! 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
45': 4 added minutes in FFM! 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
44': Yet another fast-paced move from VfL, #Broschinski held it up nicely and then lays it off to #Stger who went for it first time, but it flies wide. 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
35': First yellow of the game is shown to Tim #Oermann. 1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
A fast-paced first 30 minutes. Keep pushing and regain the lead! 30' | #SGEBOC 1-1 | #SGE
VfL Bochum VS Eintracht Frankfurt
end of second half
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
69': Take a moment to catch your breath, folks! Chances left, right, and centre for both sides!
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
66': End-to-end stuff here! It is so hard to keep up!!
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
59': AH TAKU! Golden chance for #Asano! Great link-up between #Broschinski and Taku, ball gets pass through to our jaguar, but the shot goes over!
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
58': Big chance for SGE, Pacho puts the ball wide.
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
55': First shot of the second half for VfL, #Asano tests Grahl from range but it is a comfortable save.
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
46': Weiter geht's! We are off again in Frankfurt!
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
VfL Bochum VS Eintracht Frankfurt
Start of 2nd half
VfL Bochum VS Eintracht Frankfurt
end of first half
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
45': 4 added minutes in FFM!
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
44': Yet another fast-paced move from VfL, #Broschinski held it up nicely and then lays it off to #Stger who went for it first time, but it flies wide.
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
35': First yellow of the game is shown to Tim #Oermann.
1-1 #meinVfL #SGEBOC
Eintracht Frankfurt VS VfL Bochum
A fast-paced first 30 minutes. Keep pushing and regain the lead!
30' | #SGEBOC 1-1 | #SGE