end of second half
77' | Two fresh pairs of legs for us #Benes, #Glatzel #Pherai, #Nemeth 2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
63' | New personnel #Jatta, #Dompe #Knigsdrffer, #ztunali 2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
48' | !!! Laci #Benes doesn't want to waste any time it appears!! ! 2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
46' | - . ' !!! 1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
45'+5 | -. A highly competitive game here in the Volksparkstadion in front of a great home crowd. Ludovit #Reis secures the lead with a fine goal in the last seconds of the first half. 1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
45'+5 | Ludovit #Reis cold as ice!!!!! 1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
45' | +5 additional minutes. 0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
40' | Third yellow card for Rostock. Free kick for us very close to the box. 0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
38' | No goals yet but a lot of action on the field so far! 0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
10' | The ball is rolling again. 0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hansa Rostock VS Hamburger SV
end of second half
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
77' | Two fresh pairs of legs for us
#Benes, #Glatzel
#Pherai, #Nemeth
2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
63' | New personnel
#Jatta, #Dompe
#Knigsdrffer, #ztunali
2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
48' | !!!
Laci #Benes doesn't want to waste any time it appears!! !
2 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
46' | - .
' !!!
1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
45'+5 | -.
A highly competitive game here in the Volksparkstadion in front of a great home crowd. Ludovit #Reis secures the lead with a fine goal in the last seconds of the first half.
1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
45'+5 |
Ludovit #Reis cold as ice!!!!!
1 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
45' | +5 additional minutes.
0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
40' |
Third yellow card for Rostock. Free kick for us very close to the box.
0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
38' |
No goals yet but a lot of action on the field so far!
0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH
Hamburger SV VS Hansa Rostock
10' |
The ball is rolling again.
0 0 | #nurderHSV #HSVFCH