70' 2-0 Stamford corner, Stamford increase their lead #STAHAL
Donnelly Elliott Cobourne Adegoke
62' 1-0 Stamford take the lead #STAHAL
61' 0-0 Yeltz corner, Donnelly shoots wide #STAHAL
60' 0-0 Stamford corner, a scramble it the box but cleared #STAHAL
56' 0-0 Manning shoots wide, the Yeltz on top so far this half #STAHAL
55' 0-0 Yeltz corner, the keeper flaps at it, out of play #STAHAL
52" 0-0 Wynter shoots from distance, just over #STAHAL
51' 0-0 Another fine save from Platt #STAHAL
We're back underway
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
70' 2-0 Stamford corner, Stamford increase their lead #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
62' 1-0 Stamford take the lead #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
61' 0-0 Yeltz corner, Donnelly shoots wide #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
60' 0-0 Stamford corner, a scramble it the box but cleared #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
56' 0-0 Manning shoots wide, the Yeltz on top so far this half #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
55' 0-0 Yeltz corner, the keeper flaps at it, out of play #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
52" 0-0 Wynter shoots from distance, just over #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
51' 0-0 Another fine save from Platt #STAHAL
Stamford VS Halesowen Town
We're back underway