end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Tevan Allen , Needham Market
78' HOW WAS THAT NOT GONE IN!!!! George is an inch away from equaliser, but what a save from the Needham Keeper Graham. 1-0
75' SUB! Jack Hallahan Ross Evans 1-0
63' CHANCE! Concannon delivers a great ball to Hadley who takes it into the box, he's goes down. The ball falls to Chong, who hits it wide. 1-0
56' Hadley is fouled, Church get the freekick about 35 yards out. 1-0
54' George wins the Church a corner, Concannon takes but ititss on top of the net. 1-0
53' CHANCE! Concannon plays Dyer in on the edge of the box gets himself into a good position tries to curl one in but its just wide. 1-0
50' First corner of the second half goes to Needham. 1-0
'. 1-0 #AlvechurchFC #UpTheChurch
... Work to do in the second half. 1-0 #AlvechurchFC #UpTheChurch
48' Hadley is causing problems, created a chance and now won a freekick 1-0
Alvechurch VS Needham Market
end of second half
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
2-0 | Goal - Tevan Allen , Needham Market
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
George is an inch away from equaliser, but what a save from the Needham Keeper Graham.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
75' SUB!
Jack Hallahan Ross Evans
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
63' CHANCE! Concannon delivers a great ball to Hadley who takes it into the box, he's goes down. The ball falls to Chong, who hits it wide.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
56' Hadley is fouled, Church get the freekick about 35 yards out.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
54' George wins the Church a corner, Concannon takes but ititss on top of the net.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
53' CHANCE! Concannon plays Dyer in on the edge of the box gets himself into a good position tries to curl one in but its just wide.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
50' First corner of the second half goes to Needham.
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
#AlvechurchFC #UpTheChurch
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
Work to do in the second half.
#AlvechurchFC #UpTheChurch
Needham Market VS Alvechurch
48' Hadley is causing problems, created a chance and now won a freekick