1-4 | Goal - Jamar Kasheef Loza , Leiston
1-3 | Goal - Jamar Loza , Leiston
76| Big Chance for Leiston as they hit the bar from a corner
75 | Chance for Leiston which leads to a corner
73 | Chance for Leiston they should be 3-1 up but a chance is blazed over
73 | Chance for Leiston from the corner but its a soft headed that isnt much danger
69 | CHANCE A chance for Hitchin outside the box but its saved by the keeper
67| Seb Dunbar is booked for a foul. HIT TOWN 1-2 LEI
65 | A stoppage is in play as the Leiston Defender is down holding his face
65| Seb Dunbar goes down with a head injury and plays stops for the captain to get treatment. HIT TOWN 1-2 LEI
63| Donkin releases Manly in in turn plays in Crane but Horlock is equal to the midfielders strike at an angle in the area! HIT TOWN 1-2 LEI
61| A Header from the Leiston free kick has lead to a Hitchin free kick
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
1-4 | Goal - Jamar Kasheef Loza , Leiston
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
1-3 | Goal - Jamar Loza , Leiston
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
76| Big Chance for Leiston as they hit the bar from a corner
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
75 | Chance for Leiston which leads to a corner
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
73 | Chance for Leiston they should be 3-1 up but a chance is blazed over
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
73 | Chance for Leiston from the corner but its a soft headed that isnt much danger
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
A chance for Hitchin outside the box but its saved by the keeper
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
67| Seb Dunbar is booked for a foul.
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
65 | A stoppage is in play as the Leiston Defender is down holding his face
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
65| Seb Dunbar goes down with a head injury and plays stops for the captain to get treatment.
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
63| Donkin releases Manly in in turn plays in Crane but Horlock is equal to the midfielders strike at an angle in the area!
Hitchin Town VS Leiston
61| A Header from the Leiston free kick has lead to a Hitchin free kick