end of second half
83' 3-1 A swift breakaway and Bromsgrove increase their lead #BROHAL
78' 2-1 Bromsgrove corner, cleared away #BROHAL
A break in play as a flare is thrown from the home end #BROHAL
100 Club: Simeon Cobourne makes his 100th Yeltz appearance #UpTheYeltz #100Club
Donnelly Hayward Manning Gregory Cobourne Elliott
57' 2-1 Okafor heads wide #BROHAL
We're back underway #BROHAL
3-1 | Goal - Callum King-Harmes , Bromsgrove Sporting
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
HT 2-1 Despite Manning's early opener, the Yeltz find themselves behind for the first time this season #BROHAL
44' 2-1 Holmes bursts through the Bromsgrove defence, shot deflected and the keeper hold #BROHAL
42' 2-1 Yeltz corner, cleared away #BROHAL
Halesowen Town VS Bromsgrove Sporting
end of second half
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
83' 3-1 A swift breakaway and Bromsgrove increase their lead #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
78' 2-1 Bromsgrove corner, cleared away #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
A break in play as a flare is thrown from the home end #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
100 Club: Simeon Cobourne makes his 100th Yeltz appearance #UpTheYeltz #100Club
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
57' 2-1 Okafor heads wide #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
We're back underway #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
3-1 | Goal - Callum King-Harmes , Bromsgrove Sporting
Halesowen Town VS Bromsgrove Sporting
Start of 2nd half
Halesowen Town VS Bromsgrove Sporting
end of first half
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
HT 2-1 Despite Manning's early opener, the Yeltz find themselves behind for the first time this season #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
44' 2-1 Holmes bursts through the Bromsgrove defence, shot deflected and the keeper hold #BROHAL
Bromsgrove Sporting VS Halesowen Town
42' 2-1 Yeltz corner, cleared away #BROHAL