end of second half
87' | #WOL 1-4 #BHA Bueno comes on. #WOLBHA
71' | #WOL 1-4 #BHA Toti on with 20 to play. #WOLBHA
Solly starting the season in style!
Hee Chan pulls one back
60': Hee Chan Hwang heads in for Wolves. [1-4] // #BHAFC
55': We can't keep up with this! Julio grabs his second assist of the game and Solly grabs his second goal, tapping in via the post from eight yards! [0-4] // #BHAFC
56' | #WOL 0-4 #BHA Sarabia and Hwang introduced. #WOLBHA
This is absolutely incredible.
55' | #WOL 0-4 #BHA Goal . Solly March. #WOLBHA
Brighton and Hove Albion VS Wolverhampton Wanderers
end of second half
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
87' | #WOL 1-4 #BHA
Bueno comes on.
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
71' | #WOL 1-4 #BHA
Toti on with 20 to play.
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
Solly starting the season in style!
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
Hee Chan pulls one back
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
60': Hee Chan Hwang heads in for Wolves.
[1-4] // #BHAFC
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
55': We can't keep up with this! Julio grabs his second assist of the game and Solly grabs his second goal, tapping in via the post from eight yards!
[0-4] // #BHAFC
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
56' | #WOL 0-4 #BHA
Sarabia and Hwang introduced.
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
This is absolutely incredible.
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion
55' | #WOL 0-4 #BHA
Goal . Solly March.
Wolverhampton Wanderers VS Brighton and Hove Albion