end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Charley Kendall , Woking
1-1 | Goal - Curtis Edwards , Woking
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
0-1 | Goal - J. Lambert , Kidderminster Harriers
Match kickoff
Magic wand at the ready, Lambo. #Harriers
Solid debut needed, Cole. #Harriers
Michael Doyle's Cardinals.
The boys in blue and yellow. #Harriers
On location. #Harriers
Laithwaite Community Stadium. #Harriers
Big backing tonight, Cardinals.
You can watch tonights match from wherever you are! Free entry at @harriersarms_ Via nationalleaguetv.com for 9.50 #Harriers
Evenings at GU22.
Kidderminster Harriers VS Woking
end of second half
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
2-1 | Goal - Charley Kendall , Woking
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
1-1 | Goal - Curtis Edwards , Woking
Kidderminster Harriers VS Woking
Start of 2nd half
Kidderminster Harriers VS Woking
end of first half
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
0-1 | Goal - J. Lambert , Kidderminster Harriers
Kidderminster Harriers VS Woking
Match kickoff
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Magic wand at the ready, Lambo.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Solid debut needed, Cole.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Michael Doyle's Cardinals.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
The boys in blue and yellow.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
On location.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Laithwaite Community Stadium.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Big backing tonight, Cardinals.
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
You can watch tonights match from wherever you are!
Free entry at @harriersarms_
Via nationalleaguetv.com for 9.50
Woking VS Kidderminster Harriers
Evenings at GU22.